Tools | Analysis of genetic variation using 2bRAD utilities (v3.0)

About this guide About this guide

This page outlines our standard pipeline for analysis of genetic variation using 2bRAD, a cost-effective and flexible sequencing-based approach for SNP genotyping. This guide covers the most recently updated version of the 2bRAD utilities pipeline as of July 2018 (v3.0).

These tools are intended to be used on a high-performance computing cluster, and assume a basic knowledge of Linux and command-line tools. To analyze large numbers of samples in parallel, the user will probably want to (a) combine some of the following steps into shell scripts, and (b) submit each job to a job scheduler such as SGE. Since the details of those steps may vary from one cluster to another, we have left those details up to the end user.

Click on each header to expand or collapse that section.

▷ Download scripts and install required software ◁ Download scripts and install required software

▷ Trim and filter reads ◁ Trim and filter reads

▷ Prepare reference ◁ Prepare reference

▷ Align reads against reference ◁ Align reads against reference

▷ Determine genotypes from alignments ◁ Determine genotypes from alignments

▷ Filter genotypes ◁ Filter genotypes

Last updated 14 July 2018, E. Meyer.